


今天就來討論所謂的Kreb cycle 的重要性好了,在討論這個之前,你必須先了解這個反應是在粒線體內進行,雖然在這個循環中並沒有看到氧氣直接參與,但是要知道的是

今天要是沒有氧氣的存在(anaerobically),這個反應是不會進行的,因為會有一堆的 NADH, FADH2累積在粒腺體而反抑制這個循環的發生。


而也必須會去複習糖解作用(glycolyisis)的終產物 pyruvate在有氧的狀況下會進入粒線體往acetyl-CoA的方向-->TCA cycle


TCAcycle主要的功能是把 acetyl-CoA氧化成CO2,中間釋放的能量會由NADH, FADH2,GTP來儲存。





由glucose, fatty acids, ketone bodies, ketogenic amino acids, alcohol皆可經由氧化而產生acetyl-CoA而進入此cycle



Cycle 重點:

1. Isocitrate dehydrogenase, major control enzyme is inhibited by NADH, ATP and activated by ADP

2. alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is similar to the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. It requires thiamine, lipoic aicd, CoA, FAD and NAD. Lack of thiamine slows oxidation of acetyl-CoA in the TCA cycle.

3. Succinyl-CoA synthetase catalyses a substrate-level phosphorylation of GDP-->GTP

4. Succinate dehydrogenase is on the inner mitochondrial membrane, where is also functions as complex II of the electorn trasport chain

5. Citrate synthase condenses the incoming aceyl-group with Oxaloacetate to form citrate


Several intermediates of the cycle may serve other function:中間產物和其他反應的連接

1.Citrate may leave the mitochondria(citrate shuttle)to deliver acetyl-CoA into the cytoplasm for fatty acid synthesis

2.Succinyl-CoA is high energy intermediate that can be used for heme synthesis and to activate ketone bodies in exrtrahepatic tissues.

3.Malate can leave the mitochondira(malate shuttle) for gluconeogenesis

4. OAA:early intermediate molecule in gluconeogenesis and subtrate for amino acid synthesis

5.alfa-glutarate: subtrate of amino acid synthesis

Yield of the TCA cycle:Two CO2, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, One GTP

 NADH在電子傳遞鏈約釋放 3ATP(or 2.5), FADH2約2ATP(or1.5) 

所以一個 acetyl-CoA約可產生12(or 10)ATP


補充bio-chemical card:

citrate synthase也可被ATP, NADH and succinyl-CoA抑制

alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase可被ATP or GTP, NADH, syccinyl CoA抑制



When intermediates are drawn out of the TCA cycle, the cycle slows. Therefore, when intermediates leave the cycle they must be replaced to ensure sufficient energy for the cell.


由此可看到細胞在葡萄糖缺乏時仍然可以由脂肪酸 氨基酸 酮體等中間物來產生acetyl-CoA來產生能量,讓身體不至於缺乏能量。





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